The following article was forwarded to me by a close friend. The suggestion in the article was so “noble,” that I responded on the site of the author, Richard Miniter, and gave it a post here.

The U.S. Military Should Hand Out Qurans in Afghanistan as a Good-Will Gesture – The Daily Beast.

After reading the above article, I thought to myself: “What do the Afghani Muslims do who are being killed by other Afghan Muslims, for the same reason the four Americans have been killed?” Will the gift of Qurans by them to the Islamists stop the killing of their fellow Muslim countrymen?

It is amazing to think that evil will be stopped by pacifying it with a “good deed.” The Quran burning resulted in the deaths of more Afghani Muslims (Sunni) than Americans. Why? Because it was not about justice being served or righting an offense against Islam, Allah or the prophet; rather, it was an opportunity for evil to satisfy itself with the blood of the innocent. An “offense” in Islam is an opportunity for death to feed. You do not feed evil with apologies or gifts of Qurans. Evil can only be satiated with more evil; death with more death.  We are fools to think that being “nice” to Islam, no matter how noble our intent, will stop the deaths of the innocent.

Justice is not the object of the Afghani Islamists. If it were, apologies would have been the right course of action, they would have calmed the stormy circumstances in Afghanistan and around the Muslim world. Americans are naive, good, people. We have not figured out who the enemy is. You do not fight a serial killer by giving him a fresh set of knives if he will come in for a talk.

