This post is partly in response to a post made by respected author and brother in Christ, Walid Shoebat. I came across his post as a subscriber to MidnightWatcher’s Blogpost. I posted replies there, but couldn’t seem to stop thinking about the question raised by Brother Shoebat: Where is America in Bible Prophecy? Brother Shoebat’s question was in the context of Revelation 13:7 which prophesies of a “world” dominion by the beast from the sea (interpreted to be Allah and Islam), and whether or not America will come under this “world” dominion. This post addresses a related but different question. Will the United Stand stand with the antichrist or with Israel in the end-times?
The relationship between America and Israel is quite relevant to our modern times. Rarely a day goes by that the news is not filled with news of Israel or her neighbors. Also, with America in the throes of the election of a new president, the answer to this specific question can even give us a hint as to who the next president might be — Obama or Romney? Publicly, both Obama and Romney have the similar positions on Israel — that is, they fully support Israel (although Romney’s position grants Israel greater sovereignty in decisions regarding its borders). Nevertheless, in the “back-halls” of Obama’s White House, I really wonder what is said outside the public eye. Recently, Obama and French president Nicolas Sarkozy were caught in an unmuted mic conversation about Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu: “the French leader told Barack Obama: ‘Netanyahu, I can’t stand him. He’s a liar.’ To make matters worse, the U.S. President replied: ‘You are sick of him, but I have to deal with him every day.’ (Read more: If we are truly on the doorstep of the tribulation, the re-election of Obama will likely usher in a change in America’s support for Israel. I say that simply because it seems to be the trend-line that Obama is on; and if he has been on that line during his first term, imagine what will happen once he is elected for his second term. Another open mic problem occurred for Obama when he and Russian prime minister Medvedev were discussing the anti-ballistic missile defense shield positioned in Europe. Obama stated, “This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility.” ( Hummm — more flexibility after the election? To do what? I’ll let you fill-in your own blanks there. Regardless, if America changes her position on Israel, I dare say that students of end-times prophecy will literally fill the band-width of Internet chat rooms and prophecy blogs. I imagine the “signs of the times” will no longer be debatable, but visible and unfolding right before our very eyes (Dan 12:9).
Perhaps the best place to begin is the specific Scripture that leads me to conclude that the antichrist will actually wage war against Israel (I will use the term “antichrist” to refer to “satan” and/or the” spirit of antichrist,” interchangeably. I do so because the spirit of antichrist (1 John 2:18) acts as satan in Scripture (Revelation 13:4), and he does so with satan’s “power, throne and authority” (Revelation 13:2). Here is the Scripture I will use that prophesies of satan’s war against Israel:
Revelation 12:17 (NASB) 17 So the dragon was enraged with the woman, and went off to make war with the rest of her children, who keep the commandments of God and hold to the testimony of Jesus.
The “woman” (Revelation 12:1) is symbolic for Israel (see similar characteristics in Joseph’s dream, Genesis 37:9). The “dragon” is symbolic for satan (Revelation 12:9). The “rest of her children” are Christians (Revelation 12:17). I will also refer to them as the “offspring” of the woman. Revelation 12 establishes the reason for the woman’s persecution by the dragon: because she gave birth to the divine child, Jesus (Revelation 12:2, 4-5, 13). To me, Revelation 12 is like a movie describing a continuing conflict waged by the dragon against the woman and her offspring. The conflict is not a one-time event, but a never-ending conflict whose final battle is not described within the parameters of Revelation 12 but by other prophecies (Daniel 2, 7, 12, Revelation 16-20). Revelation 12:17 describes the wrath of the dragon that manifests itself in a war that is at all times spiritual, but at other times also physical. The war against the Jews is satan’s attempt to destroy Israel, the “firstfruits of His increase” (Jeremiah 2:3 KJV), and specifically, the remnant God will ultimately redeem at the second coming of Christ (Romans 11:26 as defined by Romans 9:27-29; Ezekiel 37:24-28; 39:28; Revelation 14:4). In this destruction, the heart of God is wounded much like the heart of a mother when pain is inflicted upon her children. In Acts 9, for example, one of the earliest persecutors of the Church is a Jewish leader named, Saul. While on his way to Damascus to persecute Christians, Saul is blinded by a light from heaven. He then hears these words:
“Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me? “And he said, “Who are You, Lord?” And He said,“I am Jesus whom you are persecuting” (Acts 9:4-5).
In the same way that Saul was persecuting Jesus when he persecuted Christians, so satan persecutes Jesus when he inflicts Jews and/or Christians. This persecution is satan’s means to afflict the heart of God. satan cannot wage his battle directly against God. He has tried and has failed (Revelation 12:7-9), and has been cast out of heaven to earth where he now wages his war against the woman and her offspring (Revelation 12:13; see also, Isaiah 14:12-15, Ezekiel 28:16-17).
But through whom does satan wage this war against Israel? satan wages it through “kings” and their “kingdoms,” almost like satan’s hand acting through the glove of humanity. The specific kings/kingdoms through which this war is waged in the end-times are defined by Ezekiel 38/39. Ezekiel 38/39 is a primary passage that specifically applies “… to the latter years…” (Ezek 38:8, 16). Ezekiel 38/39 describes a “Gog,” the commander of an alliance of nations that includes nations from the “land of Magog” (non-Muslim) as well as nations from the Middle East, Asia Minor, and Africa (all Muslim). Based on an initial reading of Ezekiel 38/39, America is not on the list of nations attacking Israel in the end-times. Here are the nations that are:
Nations from the land of “Magog” — Meshech, Tubal, and Rosh (38:2) (interpreted to be Russia and her neighboring allies; other views substitute Turkey and her neighbors in place of Russia (see Joel Richardson)
Persia (38:5) (modern-day Iran)
Ethiopia (38:5) (modern-day Ethiopia, Africa)
Put (38:5) (modern-day Libya)
Gomer (38:6) (modern-day Turkey)
Beth-togarmah (38:6) (modern-day Armenia)
“Many peoples with you” (38:6; 38:9, 15)
The identity of the nations in the above list are the subject of much discussion in prophecy circles (even Bible translators can’t agree on how to translate the opening two verses of Ezekiel 38 (compare the NIV and NAS translations)). However, one thing is certain: unless the interpreter includes America in the phrase, “many peoples with you,” (vv 38:6, 38:15, 19), America is not on the list of specific nations to attack Israel.
For America to be included in the phrase “many peoples with you,” seems highly unlikely for the following reasons:
The list includes a superpower nation, Rosh/Russia. America is a superpower nation. Why include one superpower nation in the list and not include the other, unless it is intended that the other superpower not be included on the list? The list includes other specific nations, e.g., Iran (Persia) and Turkey (Gomer), that are not superpower nations. Why include these nations and omit America if the intent is to include specific nations that will attack Israel in the end-times? That is, America, whether superpower or not, is not listed because it will not be a part of the attacking group in the end-times.
- Another view limits the phrase “many peoples with you” solely to the peoples north of “Beth-togarmah,” a nation of Asia Minor (which I have interpreted to be modern-day Armenia), because of the specific wording of the text: “…; Beth-togarmah from the remote parts of the north with all its troops—many peoples with you.” Regardless of the identity of Beth-togarmah, America is not to its north! To read more on this view click here or see
- Ezekiel 38:9 and 15 use the same phrase “many peoples with you,” but these references add the conjunction “and.” The result is to limit the meaning to those nations already named in Gog’s alliance and included in the list of 38:2-6. To read more on this view click here or see In my view, this allows the phrase to be broadened to those groups/peoples living within the list of nations specified in 38:2-6, but considered separate from those nations. For example, al-Qaeda, HAMAS, Hezbollah, the Muslim Brotherhood are all groups separate from the nations that they reside in. Yet, they would be included in “many peoples with you” under this interpretation. Of course, America would not be included within this interpretation either.
Another view is to include America in “many peoples” based on passages such as Zacharia 12:2-3 which states, “It will come about in that day that I will make Jerusalem a heavy stone for all the peoples; all who lift it will be severely injured. And all the nations of the earth will be gathered against it.” (Emphasis added) This view asks: How can America not be included in Ezekiel 38:6 (as a nation attacking Israel) if Zacharia 12:3 is to be properly interpreted? I propose the answer is in the meaning of “gathering against” Israel. To find that answer, however, we need look at another verse in Ezekiel 38/39.
In Ezekiel 38:10, God reveals that Gog’s will plan an evil plan against Israel. God then quotes Gog to say, “… I [Gog] will go up against the land of unwalled villages [Israel] … to capture spoil and to seize plunder, to turn [my] hand against the waste places which are now inhabited … against the people who are gathered from the nations who have acquired cattle and goods, who live at the center of the world [Jerusalem]” (Ezekiel 38:11-12). Surprisingly, three nations/groups respond to Gog that have not appeared earlier in the text; i.e., they were not included in the list of attacking nations in vv 38:2-6. They respond to Gog by making a statement in the form of a question. They state: “… ‘Have you come to capture spoil? Have you assembled your company to seize plunder, to carry away silver and gold, to take away cattle and goods, to capture great spoil?’ ” (vv 38:13). The nations are: “Sheba, and Dedan, and the merchants of Tarshish, with all its villages” (38:13).
Sheba and Dedan can be identified as Yemen and Oman, respectively, nations located in the southern-most tip of Saudi Arabia (H. W. F. Gesenius, Gesenius’ Hebrew-Chaldee Lexicon to the Old, p 800). Tarshish is described by Ezekiel 27:12 in this way: “Tarshish was your customer because of the abundance of all kinds of wealth; with silver, iron, tin and lead they paid for your wares.” Tarshish is also known for its great ships as can be seen in 1 Kings 10:21-22, “All King Solomon’s drinking vessels of gold, and all the vessels of the house of the forest of Lebanon were of pure gold. None was of silver; … For the king had at sea the ships of Tarshish with the ships of Hiram; once every three years the ships of Tarshish came bringing gold and silver, ivory and apes and peacocks.” Thus, in both of these passages, Tarshish is a nation of great wealth; and, in the latter passage, Tarshish is also a nation having great resources, sufficient in fact, to sail the length of the Mediterranean Sea from its most western edge (Tarshish, Spain) to its most eastern edge, the coast of Israel on a recurring schedule.
If we were looking for a metaphor to identify a future, prosperous nation in the end-times, a nation not even in existence at the time the prophecy was written, what might that metaphor look like? I propose that the phrase “the merchants of Tarshish …” would fit rather nicely to identify America. In fact, some interpreters of Bible prophecy have offered this view (see Dr. Thomas Ice puts it this way: “It is argued that “the merchants of Tarshish, with all its villages,” refers to the colonies of Western Europe and the nations that have subsequently arisen from them. This would include North America and the United States.” Another interpreter, Dr. W.S. McBurnie adds the following (read more or see
The “Merchants of Tarshish” were definitely colonizers. This is the plain and logical meaning of the phrase Ezekiel used. After all, what else could he say if the mysterious vision was for a future time? He must perforce have used the terms and names of his own day. He probably did not understand the full implication of what he wrote. But he surely would say that, long after his time, a new confederacy of power would arise from the Western Atlantic nations, whose armies, riches and power might also provide the means of a future role in the reservation of Israel.”
The point is that America is in v 38:13, not v 38:6. If America is included in v 38:13 rather than v 38:6, how does it impact our earlier conclusion that America does not join in an attack against Israel? It changes it drastically! “Sheba, Dedan, and Tarshish with all its villages” do not join the conflict opposing Gog and his forces. Look at the text: they do not join the conflict nor do they offer any military support to stop the attack. They do not strategize how to stop Gog and his forces, nor do they interact with Israel in any way to assist in forestalling an attack. All that Sheba, Dedan, and Tarshish do is talk about what Gog might do. In fact, they repeat the statement Gog just made and ask him a question with that same statement. They state, “So, you say you are going to “capture spoil? … assemble your army to seize plunder? …” Their response to Gog is almost without sense because it repeats almost verbatim what Gog has just stated; the interpreter can only scratch his head, and ask, “Did they really say that?”
How do we interpret Ezekiel 38:13? America is in Ezekiel 38/39, but not because they join forces with Gog and his alliance. America is standing on the sidelines talking about it with “Sheba, Dedan, and … its many villages.” It is as if America will talk about it until it is too late. America, the superpower, “gathers against” (Zachariah 12:2-3) Israel by not doing anything to stop Gog, the superpower — all the while declaring publicly she supports Israel.
Based on Ezekiel 38:13, I have difficulty understanding how interpreters can conclude that America will stand by Israel’s side in the end-times! One very respected scholar, the late David Allen Lewis, puts it this way:
So the young lions of Tarshish would definitely refer to the North American colonies as well as the European colonies, and hence bring the U. S. into this prophecy as one of the nations that will strongly protest the Russian invasion of Israel in the last days. (Emphasis mine). (Quote from, and noted there as, David Allen Lewis, Prophecy 2000 (Green Forest, AR.: New Leaf Press, 1990), p. 103).
To me, this is even more difficult to understand considering the remainder of Ezekiel 38 which prophesies exactly how Gog’s destruction will occur:
Ezekiel 38:18-23 (NASB) “It will come about on that day, when Gog comes against the land of Israel,” declares the Lord GOD, “that My fury will mount up in My anger. “In My zeal and in My blazing wrath I declare that on that day there will surely be a great earthquake in the land of Israel. … “I will call for a sword against him on all My mountains,” declares the Lord GOD. “Every man’s sword will be against his brother. “With pestilence and with blood I will enter into judgment with him; and I will rain on him and on his troops, and on the many peoples who are with him, a torrential rain, with hailstones, fire and brimstone. “I will magnify Myself, sanctify Myself, and make Myself known in the sight of many nations; and they will know that I am the LORD.”‘ (Emphasis supplied).
Do you see America in the above judgment? I don’t — I just see God! Not even Obama’s and his swagger is sufficient to move the earth!
One more point: Isn’t it interesting that “Tarshish with all its villages” are identified as “merchants” (38:13); and their almost verbatim reply to Gog’s for attacking Israel only mentions the financial motivations for Gog’s attack? The reply of “Sheba, Dedan, and the merchants of Tarshish” omits the portion of Gog’s statement dealing with “people,” but includes the portion dealing with commerce or goods. Here is the omitted section of v 38:12 (outlined in red) not included in v 38:13:
to capture spoil and to seize plunder, to turn your hand against the waste places which are now inhabited, and against the people who are gathered from the nations, who have acquired cattle and goods, who live at the center of the world.’
I may be stretching it a little, but it seems to me that the reply in v 38:13 serves to minimize Gog’s statement in v 38:12 because it removes the cost of lives and only focuses on the cost of goods and services, silver and gold. I can’t help but see the half-truth of politics that fills our airways so frequently. I propose that what we are seeing in Ezekiel 38:13 is an ancient depiction of modern-day diplomacy, a little “double-speak” if you will! Anybody heard anything like that lately?
Here is a quote from an article published on May 21, 2009 by Con Coughlin of The Telegraph.Co.UK who quotes Obama on Iran (read more or see:
Barack Obama is giving Iran the time it needs to build a nuclear bomb. (Con Coughlin). The President’s approach ignores the urgent threat of the regime’s weapons programme, says Con Coughlin. Has President Obama inadvertently given Iran the green light to develop an atom bomb? I only ask because it appears to be the logical conclusion to be drawn from his announcement this week that he is giving Iran until the end of the year to decide whether or not to co-operate with the West over its controversial nuclear programme. … Under pressure from a visiting Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, to explain the latest White House position on Iran, a relaxed Mr Obama remarked: “We should have a fairly good sense by the end of the year [2009] as to whether [the Iranians] are moving in the right direction.” (Emphasis supplied).
Well, that was three years ago and many economic sanctions later, and Obama is still waiting to see if “the Iranians are moving in the right direction. ” Here is one of Obama’s latest statements (3/2/2012); be sure to notice the last paragraph where Obama is putting a different “spin” on why we should or should not use a military option against Iran:
Obama To Iran And Israel: ‘I Don’t Bluff.’ I think that the Israeli government recognizes that, as president of the United States, I don’t bluff,” he said in the interview. “I also don’t, as a matter of sound policy, go around advertising exactly what our intentions are. But (both) governments recognize that when the United States says it is unacceptable for Iran to have a nuclear weapon, we mean what we say.”
Obama also warned that a premature strike might inadvertently help Iran: “At a time when there is not a lot of sympathy for Iran and its only real ally (Syria) is on the ropes, do we want a distraction in which suddenly Iran can portray itself as a victim?” (Emphasis supplied) Read more or see
I can see why Iran and the world thinks Obama, America’s Commander-in-Chief is bluffing! In the meantime, Iran is working on nukes — and, Russia is its off-book superpower ally; and, the end-time conflict prophesied by Ezekiel 38/39 is fast approaching, one day at a time. If America is anywhere in end-times prophecy the most likely place is Ezekiel 38:13. America stands and does nothing, along with “all its villages.” Oh, by the way, if you’re wondering who the text is referring to in “villages,” I can offer an option for you: the United Nations. The United Nations presently has 193 member states, many of whom qualify as “America’s colonies.”
Who will be elected, Obama or Romney? Obama of course; that is, if my interpretation of Ezekiel 38:13 is correct. If America is on the sidelines talking about Gog-Iran with its allies, then Romney is not at the helm, Obama is.
What a difficult time to be a student of Bible prophecy! I hope I am wrong.
Hi Jack, it’s definitely an important topic to study. Here’s a couple of questions: What if, say, Persia (Iran) decides to attack the American military stationed in the Middle East, or American interests? Also, if the Assyrian in Micah 5 is referring to Antichrist, who could be the “seven shepherds, and eight principal men” that come to Israel’s defence?
Unfortunately, it is clear that “the powers that be” in the US will stand with the Antichrist. But not the saints, who live here in the US. Especially not those who “know” what is unfolding.
The antichrist is already in our midst and majority of people in the world support His rule:
Actually, the US won’t exist when the Antichrist comes into power.
There is only one verse in the bible that refers to the United States…
“The first was like a lion, and had eagle’s wings: I beheld till the wings thereof were plucked, and it was lifted up from the earth, and made stand upon the feet as a man, and a man’s heart was given to it.” Daniel 7:4
The lion and eagle composite represents the U.K. and U.S. The lion being the U.K. and the eagle’s wings being the U.S., of course. But the eagle’s wings are removed, leaving only the lion.
This is one of the 4 beasts that Daniel sees in a vision. Two of the others are a bear (Russia) and a composite leopard with 4 fowl wings and 4 heads (an alliance of european nations, I’m guessing). And then there is the ‘exceeding terrible’ fourth beast, which is Islam.
Now, for all of you who are eager to hit the comments section and tell me about the greek, roman and media-persian empires that the first three beasts supposedly represent.. look at this verse that comes up AFTER the final beast is beaten by the coming of Christ…
“As concerning the rest of the beasts, they had their dominion taken away: yet their lives were prolonged for a season and time.” Daniel 7:12
Clearly the other beasts are present while the Antichrist reigns and destroys. But I digress.
Back to the U.S. and our coming demise. That happens during the 6th Seal of Revelation (chapter 6). That event describes a world-shaking (literally) cataclysm that results in a “great multitude which no man could number” of souls appearing in heaven (Rev. 7:9). Sounds like a nuclear holocaust to me. Especially when you factor in the after effects.. Trumpets 1-4 (trees and grass burning, seas and lakes being poisoned, and the sun/moon being partially blocked… by dust storms caused by numerous warhead explosions). All on the same day.
This all takes place immediately before the Antichrist comes to power, during Trumpet 5. The Antichrist isn’t among our midst at this time. He is currently locked up in the bottomless abyss (see Rev. 9:11). And he is not human. That is why he will survive the ‘fatal head wound’ (Rev. 13:3) and also why he won’t desire women. (Daniel 11:37) For more on the Antichrist, look up ‘Azazel’.
So, no worries about what the U.S. will do. Any survivors here will be trying to survive the coming winter without power or food supplies prepared. Btw, this happens on September 14, 2015 (Rosh Hashanah… appropriately known as the Feast of Trumpets).
And yeah, I’m serious.
Your ideas, Scholar, would explain why as a S.Baptist and strongly connected to Jesus Christ I’ve always had the strong sense — decades before the 2008 economic crash — that there was no point in caring what my retirement portfolio would look like, because “the system” wouldn’t be here at all.
In a direct nuke hit it happens so fast there’s really no pain, which is an advantage over Islamic torture and murder (a genocide it looks like Obama might be setting us up to experience if the nuclear option is vetoed in the covert cabal of the UN or wherever this evil insanity is schemed according to the Quran which posits Allah as the supreme schemer). Grab your iodine and kelp snacks, folks, also stored water and canned food, because God might have errands for you to run if you’re not hit directly by a nuke. Attempting to live through the devastation of EMP would result in about 90% people dead by a year after the explosion, from what I’ve read, with the die-off progressing at stages during those twelve months. There’d be children to console and elderly to nurse and countless errands of Christian compassion to extend if we were left here without the government —- which we absolutely cannot rely upon —- to fend for ourselves in social chaos.
Yeah, I’m serious, too. It’s clear to anybody who has the Holy Spirit for counsel (also comfort) and can see clearly how much utter deception is being carried out by all levels of U.S. government. It’s never been anything like this on the planet or in this country and I’ve lived awhile and seen a lot. We need to prepare ourselves mentally and emotionally so we can be clear and calm enough to let God lead and guide us for His purposes when it goes down the tubes totally in this country.
Thanks for writing what you did! It takes guts to tell folks how bad it’s going to get here, because we’ve been relatively privileged for the past century compared to most of the world. Thank God for the blessings we’ve had, and thank God for every day of blessing until the horror hits. Then thank God for the opportunity to be helpful to the people He made, and thank God for the gift of eternal salvation. And the Spirit and the Bride say, come, Lord Jesus.
Soctt – thanks for the comment. Your comment was the first of the day to read and it blessed me immensely. I am also an SBC pastor. I am trying to prepare my people for the tough times. Let us covenant to pray for the Church of our Lord to “awake sleeper.” Blessings.
hi Jack
The Merchants of Spain is the United States in Prophecy? come on now, that’s really a very long stretch to make it America don’t you see that yourself?
Doesn’t America much better fits Jeremiah chapter 50 and 51 as the “Daughter of Babylon”, or, “the Hindermost of the Nations” or, the last-in-line-of-the-great-Nations in the last days? I think Jeremiah has done a far better job than brother Shoebat in describing America in breathtaking details, and he even so much as uses a play on words in describing her national obesity calling America “a fat heifer at grass”, and her world-wide cultural influence over all other nations as “the great voice”.
And we can understand just why America is nowhere to found among those nations protesting against Gog, because the Daughter of Babylon/America has been completely destroyed as pictured in Revelations 18. What other great consumer nation continues to buy all of the rest of the world’s goods if not America, where everything is sold and everything is for sale, including “the persons of individuals and the souls of men”, such as celebrities, actors, rock stars and people famous for just being famous?
This trafficking in merchandise, this buying and selling is the presiding spirit and well-known character of her Mother of Babylon herself and of Satan Himself.
And if I can go on a bit more here, just look at what the prophet Jeremiah said about the Daughter of Babylon becoming such a dangerous place to live because of the “oppressing sword” in the land. Or that despite the Daughter of Babylon being the mightiest military power on the whole earth, yet her leader is so frightened at the reports of attacks coming that his knees shake and his army remains in their barracks rather than defend the nation.
What other people are more scared as infants about the big bad world out there if not Americans?
God Bless you brother
Servant of God
Hi Jack!
As usual, another timely article.
And I too agree, the United States won’t be on the scene as she will have been completely destroyed!
but, for reasons which you might disagree as you advocate the prophetic position that “Mystery Babylon” of Revelation will be located in the Middle East.
yet, this seems to disagree with Jeremiah’s prophecy in chapter 50, of Babylon’s attacking enemies, as he names the ancient nations which is Russia and Iran today which actually destroys her:
…”Blow the trumpet among the nations, prepare the nations against her, call together against her the kingdoms of Ararat, Minni, and Aschenaz…prepare against her the kings of Media, and all of the leaders thereof….”
Actually Jeremiah calls her “The daughter of Babylon” and…”the hindermost of ( Hebrew “akh-ar-eeth’ “last” in line ..of the great) the nations.” As, elsewhere she is called “Great” Babylon, as she is described as being the greatest military power on earth, as she has the military might to use her munitions to “mount up to the heavens”, and she has “the great voice”.
This just doesn’t seem to be picturing any of the ancient nations of the Middle East, to me.
Not to mention, God’s chosen people Israel, are not living in any sufficient numbers in those Muslim countries who could obey God’s speaking through this prophet, saying “come out of her my people…” Shortly before she is totally destroyed!
This prophet seems more to fit with the American President’s early upbringing spent in the madrass classes in his Catholic school, and his childhood affection for all thing Islamic which has led to his giving Iran time to finish its nuclear weapons devolpment, which along with Russia they will use to destroy America in this Third world War which has already started in the Ukraine according to Jeremiah 50 and 51.
God bless you brother.
As I was writing that last comment, personally I am so stressed and deeply worried, as an expat living in Sweden with our family here.
Our counter part to the CIA, the Swedish security service Säpo in their security report to the Swedish government yesterday, said that Russia has intensified its espionage efforts in Sweden to include war preparations against the country.
The Säpo chief counter-intelligence analyst Wilhlem Unge, said to a surprised house at the press conference “Its no secret that Russia is engaged in practicing for war against Sweden and Russia has intensified interest in Sweden was evidenced by simulated flight attacks (nuclear bombing runs) on Swedish targets as well as attempts to recruit spies, increased signals intelligence, and the purchase of a significant number of maps of the country,while stressing that such war preparations did not necessarily mean anything dramatic. It’s a little bit worrying…”.
A little bit! that was like dropping a bomb over here!!! We’re only 600 miles and change from Moscow here. Putin is a bulldog who will never back down. and I know he’s feeling under siege and actually is surrounded by NATO countries or those in the Eastern Europe allied with them against Russia. And Putin personally feels he has crusader mandate from both the Russian Orthodox Church and God, to destroy the decadent, and deviant Homosexual infected Western Europe, and its very aggressive agenda being very arrogantly pushed by its NGO’s on all of the world’s country by the West.
This is of course extremely real scarey for us here, especially seeing the videos of those 500 American soldiers and 75 British “advisors” stationed in the Ukraine, only, not so much for ourselves, as we loved the Lord and we know we’ll soon be seeing His smiling face, but its all of our relatives and friends here….they will very likely be incenerated in by the nuclear missicle strikes on Scandinavia in this Third World War!
Lord, Help us…
Revelation 8:7 states that dunrig the first Trumpet judgment, 1/3 of the earth will be burnt up. North and South America make up roughly 1/3 of the land mass of the earth. Since Europe, Asia, and Africa play later roles in Bible prophecy it is more or less required that this 1/3 of the earth be located in North & South America. When 1/3 of the sea (Pacific Ocean) is turned to blood in the second Trumpet judgment, we can see why the Kings of the East will want to head to the Middle East later in the Tribulation the Pacific Ocean is blood and North and South America are burnt up. The Kings of the East will kill 1/3 of the world’s population as the head to the Middle East most likely in Pakistan, India, etc as they travel west.The 4 beasts of Daniel 7 are 4 eschatological kingdoms that will appear in the last days. It is possible that the US could be associated with the Lion with Eagles Wings beast (I am not dogmatic on this one). The Bear is Russia and her allies, while the Leopard with 4 heads and 4 wings would be the Kings of the East. Of course the 4th beast is the Antichrist’s kingdom in Europe.