Daniel 2:41-43 (NASB) 41 “In that you
saw the feet and toes, partly of potter’s clay and partly of iron, it will be a divided kingdom; but it will have in it the toughness of iron, inasmuch as you saw the iron mixed with common clay. 42 “As the toes of the feet were partly of iron and partly of pottery, so some of the kingdom will be strong and part of it will be brittle. 43 “And in that you saw the iron mixed with common clay, they will combine with one another in the seed of men; but they will not adhere to one another, even as iron does not combine with pottery.
Shias against Sunnis. The two sects represent the ummah of Islam, the whole Muslim community (a concept in Islam comparable to the body of Christ in Christianity). According to the Oxford Dictionary of Islam — a concept “… expressing the essential unity and theoretical equality of Muslims from diverse cultural and geographical settings. In the Quran, [ummah] designates people to whom God has sent a prophet …. 1
Only one problem – the so-called “theoretical equality” within Islam has never applied across the sects. The two sects have been unable to coexist since the Battle of Karbala, October 10, 680 AD (contrary to the opening statement in the video). Since the death of Muhammad in 632 AD, the two sects have divided over who should be the successor to their messenger, Muhammad. Daniel 2:41-43 NASB above describes precisely the condition of Islam since the Battle of Karbala. Since that decisive battle, clearly, they have been divided (Daniel 2:41 NASB); and Shias are the end-times sect of importance — only Shias “combine with one another in the seed of men” (Daniel 2:43 NASB).2 That is, only Shias combine through the bloodline of the descendants of Muhammad through his son-in-law Ali, and daughter, Fatima. Shias take their name from Ali, they are the Ahl al-Bayt, the “party” or descendants of Ali, the son-in-law and cousin of Muhammad. The Sunnis have always constituted the majority sect (80-85% of all Muslims), the stronger sect (Daniel 2:43 NASB). Shias, the minority sect, have always constituted the weaker sect (10%), the persecuted sect (the “brittle” sect (Daniel 2:43 NASB)).
The most recent expression of the divide in Islam has expressed itself in Syria. President Bashar al-Assad of Syria is Shiite (the “Alawite” sect, a minority sect within Shia Islam and a minority people in Syria). Assad’s allies include the Iranians, the Russians, and Hezbollah (Lebanon). The rebels in Syria are Sunni. They are aligned with the Saudis (Sunni), and of recent events, the Americans (so far as being armed by the Americans), as well as the Sunnis of Egypt; and, according to some, terrorists groups aligned with al-Qaeda.
As the below video link describes (courtesy of NPR), Shias around the globe are crossing Syrian borders to support Shias in Syria. The reason is not simply because they are Shia (actually, Shias do not “adhere to one another” (Daniel 2:43 NASB)).3 Within Shiism a day of vengeance against the Sunnis is prophesied. At precisely the time of Allah’s will (Allah is not the same as the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob), the 12th Imam of Shiism, the “Hidden Imam,” will rise up from his “occultation” to lead Shias against Sunnis. He will avenge the wrongs committed by Sunnis against Shias since the Battle of Karbala in 680 AD. He will then unite Islam and lead Islam in dominion over the world (Revelation 13:7-8 NASB).
I encourage you to read Islam the Cloak of Antichrist by yours truly. There you will see interpretations of Bible prophecy that are being fulfilled in the modern day. Iran and Russia will lead the way. The Americans and the Saudis will stand against them. Saudi Arabia, the birth place of Islam, will be destroyed. Israel will be overrun but in the end, but the remnant will come to know the only Begotten.
Jesus come quickly.
- “Ummah.” In The Oxford Dictionary of Islam. Ed. John L. Esposito. Oxford Islamic Studies Online. 21-Jun-2013. http://www.oxfordislamicstudies.com/article/opr/t125/e2427 [↩]
- See Islam the Cloak of Antichrist, pp 48, 281-283 [↩]
- See Islam the Cloak of Antichrist, pp 66-67 [↩]
Mine is not a comment, it is a question. I believe that Obama is an apocalyptic figure, I also believe that he is a Muslim; that said, is he Shia, or Sunni, or neither?
Obama professes to be Christian. That said, he has acknowledged publicly that he was raised in Indonesia, the largest Muslim populated country in the world. His life in Indonesia was limited in duration, and based on reports, he never submitted to Islam. However, if he had, he would likely be Sunni Muslim since very few Shias are present in Indonesia.
Thank you for your quick response.
There is so much mystery surrounding Obama. It is obvious that he is not a Christian. He is enamored with Islam. His name ‘Hussein,’ is the family name of the founders of the Shia branch of Islam. I have been trying to figure out why he chooses to assist some coups, while ignoring others.
What is clear, is that Obama is an apocalyptic figure. At times, I’m convinced that he is the Antichrist, and at other times I think that he is more of a ‘john the Baptist,’ type; paving the way for the Antichrists’ revealing, i.e., the Mahdi.
Do a Yahoo search of Obama, lord of the flies, and the connection to that powerful demon, Bealzabulb. It is eerie.
Denise – but on what basis do you conclude that he is the antichrist or the forerunner? What Bible passages identify him as the AC? I often read of such claims but I fail to see any real connections to Obama, Biblically. It seeems to me that there needs to be some Biblical “identifiers” other than his charisma or his double-speak for us to slot Obama in this critical end-times role. Think about it. If America is absent from Bible prophecy (most interpreters agree that America is not in end-times prophecies, except perhaps as an unidentifified country that joins others against the AC), how can an American president be the AC?
Having read “Islam, The Cloak of AntiChrist” 3 full times, and still using the book as a reference as I see prophecy unfold daily, I agree with Jack. I don’t believe Obama to be the AC, however, I do see that Satan is using him to bring down our country, which is also God’s judgement on America. Previously, America was a Christian country. Our founding Father’s included God in EVERYTHING. Today, NOT AT ALL. I don’t care what Obama professes….he is a Muslim, and IMHO, an Islamic radical. The time of apostasy is upon us, more so than anytime in the history of man.
We are a country who allows abortion, and while not in every state, advocates gay marriage. We have removed “under God” from “one nation, under God.” When Israel turned its back on the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, judgement followed. As far back as the days of Moses, and the days of Noah.
Even denominations are falling under “this spell” of the times. Many churches (and I don’t capitalize the C on purpose here) are being deceived by Satan himself, and don’t even know it. When you turn your back on the word of God, and decide that today it is okay to be homosexual because, well, “times have changed”, huh? The word of God hasn’t ever changed. When you appoint a homosexual to head up a denomination, well, there’s the apostasy.
I, myself, have pulled away from my Home Church, because of what the denomination stands for. My Home Church represents EXACTLY the apostasy that God spoke of, through His prophets.
Anyway, I’m sorry to go on and on here. I don’t understand how anyone can’t see what is happening. The US long ago turned it’s back on God, however, when the US elected a Muslim president, it sealed our fate. Repenting is on an individual basis at this point…IMHO. There is no turning back, as a country at whole.
I think that Obama could be the Antichrist, or a type of John the Baptist, on several counts.
Obama made his very first public political speech, on Tisha b’ Av, in Boston. Then there is all of the mystery surrounding his birthplace, and at times, even his parentage has come into question.
Many look at him as some kind of Messiah figure. Which is really baffling, considering that he has an openly reprobate mind. Obama does not possess even one good character trait. He is evil, and throughly corrupt.
Obama is a deceiver, and a son of Islam.
He mocks the G-d of Jacob, hates Israel, and is seeking its destruction. He hates Christians as well.
The book of Daniel 8: 23-26, talks about the rise of the Antichrist, these scriptures speak of him destroying the mighty, (possibly America; the “big Satan?” ) He “destroys many in their prosperity.” Sure sounds like wealth redistribution to me.
In Revelation 9:11, it says: And they had as king over them,( “them,” being the Muslims?) the angel of the bottomless pit,” (Satan aka Allah?) whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon, but in Greek he has the name Apollyon.
When I read these words, my mind goes immediately to the speech that Obama gave in Germany, at the temple of Pergamon. Revelation 2:12,13, “And to the angel of the church in Pergamos write, ‘These things says He who has the two-edged sword: I know your works, and where you dwell, where Satan’s throne is. As if that exhibition were not gawdy enough, Obama then goes out and has a replica made of Satan’s throne, from which he gave another speech, his acceptance speech, I believe.
If you haven’t seen the pictures ,and the videos, of the flies that are always around Obama, please google it. It makes you think of Beealzabulb, a powerful demon, who in Hebrew, is lord of the flies.
I know that all of these things taken one at a time may seem coincidental, but taken together they begin to add up.