Muslim.woman.garbage.croppedGENEVA (Reuters) – The United Nations, expressing deep concern, said on Thursday that militant group Islamic State had ordered all girls and women in and around Iraq’s northern city of Mosul to undergo female genital mutilation. … “We have current reports of imposition of a directive that all female girl children and women up to the age of 49 must be circumcised. This is something very new for Iraq, particularly in this area, and is of grave concern and does need to be addressed,” Badcock said. (Read more)

Here are two posts that specifically address the oppression of women in Islam and the fulfillment of Daniel 11:37 NASB by such actions.

Islam’s Treatment of Women – The Odor of Antichrist AboundsRead more.

No regard for the “desire of women” – Islam Fits the ProfileRead more.

The Reuters article gives an explanation of the specifics of “FGM” and the degrading, cruel, and heinous impact upon women:

FGM, the partial or total removal of external female genitalia, is a tradition practised widely in many African and Muslim countries and often justified as a means of suppressing a woman’s sexual desire to prevent “immoral” behaviour. Worldwide, more than 130 million girls and women have undergone FGM and more than 700 million women alive today were children when they were married. … “This is not the will of Iraqi people, or the women of Iraq in these vulnerable areas covered by the terrorists,” she added.

I suppose it goes without saying that FGM “is not the will of … the women of Iraq.” Only in the darkness could such a practice be a part of any “religion.” In fact, such a practice reveals the presence of evil in the religion.  It is what my book, Islam the Cloak of Antichrist, seeks to reveal to the world. Islam is not a religion of peace. It is the hand through which Islam will operate.

Jesus come quickly.



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